"Safeguarding Your Interests"
1879 | The Georgia General Assembly establishes the three-member Georgia Railroad Commission |
1891 | The legislature extends authority of the Commission to regulate telegraph and express companies |
1906 | Legislation provides for statewide election of Commission members |
1907 | The legislature extends authority of the Commission to regulate telephone, gas, and electric utilities and expands the Commission to five members |
1922 | The General Assembly changes the Commission's name, formerly known as the Railroad Commission, to the Georgia Public Service Commission |
1943 | The Commission gains constitutional status |
1950 | The PSC is given the authority to issue certificates of public convenience and necessity to telephone companies |
1970 | The Commission begins its natural gas pipeline safety program |
1973 | The Georgia Territorial Electric Service Act is implemented, assigning geographic areas to particular electric suppliers |
1975 | The legislature expands the PSC's authority to set rates and enact rules for utilities and transportation; the Commission, with the exception of the Transportation Division, is brought under the Administrative Procedure Act |
1984 | The PSC is named the state's lead agency in administering the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program |
1989 | The Commission is given the power to supervise safety of the state's municipal gas systems |
1991 | The legislature requires integrated resource planning by electric utilities; the Commission must certify electric plants prior to construction. |
1997 | The Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act of 1997 is effective July 1, 1997 |
1999 | Atlanta Gas Light Company exits merchant function; customers who did not select natural gas marketers were randomly assigned. |
2000 | David Burgess is first African-American elected to serve as a Commissioner |
2002 | Earleen Sizemore takes office as the first woman on the Commission following her appointment by Governor Roy Barnes in June. |
2005 | January 15- Commissioner Angela Speir becomes the first woman to chair the Commission. |
2006 | Mandatory 10-digit dialing begins. |
2016 | The Commission approves the acquisition of Atlanta Gas Light Company by Georgia Power. |
2017 | The Commission approves the continued construction of Units 3 and 4 at the Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant under a revised schedule and with new forecasted costs. |
2019 | The General Assembly passes Senate Bill 2 that gives the Commission compliance authority over Electric Membership Corporations that want to provide broadband Internet service to customers. |
2023 | Vogtle Unit 3 goes online, providing power to an estimated 500,000 Georgia households and businesses. It is the first operational U.S. reactor constructed in more than 30 years. |
Governor James M. Smith | (1879 - 1885) | * |
Campbell Wallace | (1879 - 1890) | * |
Samuel Barnett | (1879 - 1881) | |
Leander N. Trammell | (1881 - 1900) | * |
Alexander S. Ervin | (1885 - 1891) | |
James W. Robertson | (1890 - 1891) | |
Virgil Powers | (1891 - 1894) | |
Allen Fort | (1891 - 1897) | |
G. Gunby Jordan | (1894 - 1895); (1901 - 1904) |
Thomas C. Crenshaw, Jr. | (1895 - 1901) | * |
Justice Spencer R. Atkinson | (1897 - 1903) | * |
J. Pope Brown | (1900 - 1905) | * |
Justice H. Warner Hill | (1903 - 1911) | * |
Obadiah B. Stevens | (1905 - 1911) | |
Governor Joseph M. Brown | (1904 - 1907) | |
F. E. Callaway, Sr. | (1907 - 1909) | |
George Hillyer | (1907 - 1918) | |
S. G. McClendon | (1907 - 1909) | * |
Charles Murphey Candler | (1909 - 1922) | * |
Joseph F. Gray | (1909 - 1916) | |
Paul B. Trammell | (1911 - 1926) | * |
James A. Perry | (1911 - 1933); (1936 - 1957) |
* |
John T. Boifeuillet | (1916 - 1926) | |
James D. Price | (1919 - 1925) | |
Walter R. McDonald | (1923 - 1933); (1935 - 1971) |
* |
Calvin W. Parker | (1926 - 1931) | |
Oscar Roswell Bennett | (1925 - 1928) | |
Albert J. Woodruff | (1926 - 1933) | |
Perry T. Knight | (1928 - 1933); (1936 - 1953) | |
Justice Jule W. Felton, Sr. | (1931 - 1933) | |
Jud P. Wilhoit | (1933 - 1941) | * |
George L. Goode | (1933 - 1935) | |
Thomas King Davis | (1933 - 1936) | |
Ben T. Huiet | (1933 - 1936) | |
James B. Daniel | (1933 - 1935) | |
Julian J. E. Anderson | (1935 - 1936) | |
Matt L. McWhorter | (1937 - 1961) | * |
Allen Chappell | (1941 - 1964) | |
Crawford L. Pilcher | (1953 - 1972) | * |
Ben T. Wiggins | (1957 - 1979) | * |
William Henry Kimbrough | (1961 - 1979) | * |
Alpha Alsbury Fowler, Jr. | (1964 - 1971) | |
Bobby Pafford | (1971 - 1993) | * |
Ford B. Spinks | (1971 - 1988) | * |
Mac Barber | (1973 - 1984); (1991 - 1998) | * |
Billy Lovett, Jr. | (1979 - 1990) | |
Jim Hammock | (1980 - 1987) | |
Gary B. Andrews | (1985 - 1990) | * |
Cas M. Robinson | (1987 - 1992) | |
Robby Rowan | (1989 - 1994) | |
Bob Durden | (1991 - 2002) | * |
Dave Baker | (1995 - 1998) | * |
Robert B. Baker | (1993 - 2010) | * |
Stan Wise | (1995 - 2018) | * |
Lauren "Bubba" McDonald, Jr. | (1998 - 2002) | * |
David L. Burgess | (1999 - 2006) | * |
Earleen Sizemore | (2002 - 2002) | |
H. Doug Everett | (2003 - 2018) | * |
Angela E. Speir | (2003 - 2008) | * |
Chuck Eaton | (2007 - 2021) | * |
Lauren "Bubba" McDonald, Jr. | (2009 - ) | * |
Tim Echols | (2011 - ) | * |
Tricia Pridemore | (2018 - ) | |
Jason Shaw | (2019 - ) | |
Fitz Johnson | (2021 - ) |
The Georgia Public Service Commission has exclusive power to decide what are fair and reasonable rates for services under its jurisdiction. It must balance Georgia citizens' need for reliable services and reasonable rates with the need for utilities to earn a reasonable return on investment. The Commission protects consumers' interests while abiding by legal standards in setting rates. All matters scheduled for public hearing are heard by the Commissioners or in special cases, by an appointed hearing officer in open session.
In regulating rates, the Commission does not guarantee profits to service providers. It is the company's responsibility to make prudent, sound business decisions to produce earnings. When regulated companies bring a rate request before the PSC, it may be taken up first by one of the Commission's standing committees on which the commissioners serve: Telecommunications, Facilities Protection, Energy, or Administrative Affairs.
Assisting the commissioners are experts on utility operations. These experts may provide testimony and make recommendations at rate, arbitration or other proceedings. To protect the public interest and to fulfill its responsibilities, the Commission may:
Administrative sessions of the Georgia Public Service Commission are held the first and third Tuesday of each month in hearing room 110 at 244 Washington St. in Atlanta.
Proceedings are open to the public.
The Administrative Division provides the internal support functions for the Commission. Functions include personnel management, financial management, scheduling and recording Commission proceedings, and public, media and legislative relations. The Utilities Division oversees the activities and services of providers regulated by the PSC and provide technical assistance and information to the Commission.
Executive Director: Reece McAlister
The Executive Director is the Commission's chief executive officer responsible for managing and coordinating the agency's administrative operations.
Utilities Director: Tom Bond
The Utilities Division responsibilities are carried out organizationally through several units including: telecommunications, natural gas, electric, legal and facilities protection. The Utilities Director oversees these units and ensures they carry out their assigned duties.
Fiscal and Budget Officer: Jane Stroeva
This Office is responsible for the fiscal, budgetary and procurement functions of the PSC; prepares and monitors the budget; and manages the facilities for the Commission.
Public Information Officer: Tom Krause
The Public Information Officer prepares press releases and media advisories, maintains the Commission's public information files, serves as a Commission spokesperson and acts as a legislative liaison with the General Assembly of Georgia. Responsibilities include managing the Commission's legislative agenda, providing technical assistance to the legislators, coordinating implementation of proposed legislation and assisting others involved in accomplishing the Commission's legislative goals.
Executive Secretary: Sallie Tanner
The Executive Secretary is responsible for preparing, reviewing and co-signing Commission orders; maintaining agency records and certifying and recording copies of documents; and scheduling all hearings, oral arguments, administrative sessions and committee meetings.
Office of Operations Support Director: Max Stroev
The Office of Operations Support is responsible for all technology related agency operations. Operations Support Staff provides technology service and support for access to the agency Internet Website, agency databases, application development, desktop support service for agency personnel, electronic mail system, as well as agency audio broadcasts. Other responsibilities include recommending technology requests for review and approval from our agency Commissioners.
The PSC’s budget includes approximately $10 million in state funds and about $1.5 million in federal funds. The federal funds are supplied for state employees to run the federal pipeline safety program. Since 1922, the state has required utilities regulated by the PSC to pay a fee directly to the Department of Revenue. Likewise, the Commission collects fines and fees based on pipeline safety and the "811 Call Before You Dig" program. Funds collected by the PSC and returned to the state annually total approximately $1.5 million.
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Whether or not a utility is regulated by the PSC is determined by the type of service it provides and by whether the utility is owned by investors. The PSC regulates the rates charged and the services provided by most intrastate, investor-owned telecommunications, natural gas and electric utilities operating in Georgia and pipeline safety regulations. The Commission does not set rates for municipally-owned electric and gas utilities or electric membership corporations (EMCs). However, municipally-owned electric companies and EMCs must come before the Commission on some matters such as financing and the resolution of territorial disputes. The Commission also must solve territorial disputes for municipally owned gas companies as well as ensure the safety of all natural gas pipelines in the state. The three main kinds of utilities regulated by the PSC are electric, gas, and telecommunications.
The Georgia Public Service Commission does not regulate:
In Georgia, three types of electric suppliers serve the public --
Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs), municipalities and investor-owned power companies. Since the Commission regulates only investor-owned utilities, the only electric utility whose rates are set by the PSC is Georgia Power Company, the only investor-owned electric utility in the state. As an investor-owned company, Georgia Power pays taxes. Publicly-owned, non-profit utilities such as EMCs, which pay ad valorem and property taxes but no income taxes, and municipally-owned utilities, which pay no taxes at all, are regulated by their own boards of directors or other similar governing bodies and essentially are not subject to outside regulation. EMCs and municipalities serve the greatest area in Georgia. However, Georgia Power serves the most people. In 1991, the Georgia Legislature enacted laws requiring integrated resource planning (IRP) by Georgia Power as well as certification by the PSC prior to any new construction of electric plants. Every three years, the Public Service Commission approves Georgia Power's updated IRP, a 20-year plan for providing power and encouraging conservation.
There are currently 42 EMCs providing service in Georgia. The PSC's limited regulatory jurisdiction over EMCs includes resolution of territorial matters and approval authority over applications for financing.
Fifty-two Georgia cities provide electric service to their customers. PSC jurisdiction is limited to territorial matters. The cities must also file their rates with the Commission and in territorial matters. Forty-seven of these cities and Crisp County are members of the Municipal Electric Association of Georgia (MEAG).
The legal boundaries of each electric utility in Georgia are assigned under the Georgia Territorial Electric Service Act. The PSC is responsible for enforcing this law and resolving territorial disputes.
Today there are two investor-owned natural gas distribution company regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission over which it has safety and rate jurisdiction: Atlanta Gas Light Co. and Liberty Utilities. Liberty Utilities Company provides service in the Columbus and Gainesville areas. The Commission regulates the pipeline and distribution charges of Atlanta Gas Light which distributes gas on behalf of natural gas marketers as part of the 1997 Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act.
Another source for in-state natural gas service is through one of 84 municipal systems. The PSC has gas safety jurisdiction over municipal systems -- and two intrastate transmission lines -- but does not generally regulate rates or services of municipally-owned systems. The PSC only has rate and territorial jurisdiction over municipal systems when gas service is offered outside county limits.
Today the PSC has authority over nearly 47,000 miles of gas distribution and transmission lines. These systems transport more than one-third of Georgia's natural gas supply for two million people. Natural gas service is certified in 90 percent of the counties in Georgia. A gas system (a municipal or investor-owned system) must apply for and receive a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the PSC before it can expand into a new area.
Implementation of deregulation has changed the Natural Gas Industry in Georgia from a regulated monopoly to a competitive marketplace. Marketers provide gas service to residential customers, normally served only by investor-owned utilities or municipalities. Legislation approved in the 2001 General Assembly will allow the Commission to enforce strict billing requirements on the marketers as well as allow the Commission to provide low-income assistance from the Universal Service Fund.
Telephone service regulation was added to the Commission's responsibilities in 1907. In 1950, the legislature gave the PSC the power to mandate telephone service in areas of the state that were unserved. By giving the Commission this authority, the lawmakers made clear the state's intent to provide all citizens with at least a minimal level of telephone service. However, passage of the Telecommunications and Competition Development Act of 1995 (Senate Bill 137) significantly changed the Commission's regulatory responsibilities. Instead of setting prices for telecommunications services, the PSC now manages and facilitates the transition to competitive markets, establishes and administers a universal access fund to assure reasonable access to services, monitors rates and service quality, and mediates disputes between competitors.
Although the Commission regulates landline telecommunication services, it does not regulate cellular phone service.
The Commission's Telecommunications Unit also distributes hearing aids and approves cost allocation manuals for Electric Membership Corporations that provide broadband internet service.
In thousands of instances each year, the Georgia Public Service Commission is the last hope of many Georgia consumers in resolving their problems with utilities regulated by the Commission. Consumer contacts included consumer complaints and questions, media inquiries, requests for information and assistance, consumer comments regarding issues before the Commission, and all incoming calls made on the Commission's toll-free and local telephone lines. Staff is trained to investigate and resolve disputes between utility companies and their customers.
Some utilities, such as telecommunications and natural gas, are more competitive and the PSC has established rules that allow utility companies to operate more freely while empowering consumers with the right information to make wise decisions. The PSC also provides informational materials to help educate consumers about recent changes in utility services.
Divisions of the PSC also protect Georgia consumers by ensuring that utilities provide adequate and reliable service and by enforcing Commission rules and regulations.
The Public Service Commission provides many avenues for Georgia's residents to participate in the process of regulating utilities. All hearings, administrative sessions and committee meetings of the PSC are open to the public, can be streamed live over the Internet, and are archived on this website. The PSC's dockets of pending and closed cases are likewise available to the public on this website.
Administrative sessions of the PSC are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Commission's offices in Atlanta. Committee meetings are scheduled the on second and fourth Thursday of each month preceding the Administrative session. Other public hearings are scheduled regularly and are posted to the calendar on this website. The number of days scheduled for a hearing depends upon the complexity of the issue. Rate case hearings usually require an average of nine days.
Hearings and investigations may be conducted at the PSC offices, or in another part of the state if that is more convenient for the public. Notices of public hearings are published by the utility in newspapers in the affected areas and posted on this website. Although documents may be read at state offices, there is a small fee for copying them. It is helpful, but not necessary, to know the docket number in advance.
Though the Public Interest Advocacy Staff represents the State's residential and small commercial and industrial consumers in proceedings before the PSC, individual consumers may also participate. During the first hour of each hearing day, any interested individual may sign up to provide an oral or written statement of his/her position on an issue before the commissioners. Consumers may also attend committee meetings and present their concerns.
A consumer may inform the commissioners of his or her position on an issue by writing or calling the PSC or by submitting a petition. A consumer who wishes to personally present his/her position on a matter may ask the Executive Secretary's office to schedule the matter with the appropriate Committee Chairman. Mailing addresses are PSC, 244 Washington St., SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. Telephone numbers for the Commission are (404) 656-4501 and toll-free 1-800-282-5813.
The Georgia Public Service Commission approves or denies requests for changes in rates for rate of return regulated companies by examining petitions submitted by the utilities it regulates. Please note, however, that not all utilities regulated by the Commission are rate of return regulated. Currently, Georgia Power Company, Liberty Utilities, and some of Georgia's small rural local telephone companies are rate of return regulated.
When a request is brought before the PSC, it may be taken up first by one of two standing committees: Telecommunications or Energy. A simplified explanation of utility rate case procedures follows. Non-rate issues follow an abbreviated version of this same process.
The Utility Files Its Petition
The utility requesting a rate increase first serves a public notice of intent. It then files a rate case petition with all supporting data, including a request for the proposed rates to take effect in 30 days. The Commission studies the utility's petition and sets a hearing date.
The PSC Studies the Petition
By law, the proposed new rates go into effect 30 days from the filing date, unless the commissioners vote to suspend them. Normally, the commissioners order a five-month suspension of the proposed rate so staff can study all data submitted by the utility. The utility publishes a notice of hearings in newspapers of general circulation in its service area. This is done 30 to 60 days after the filing. The PSC issues a scheduling order, available on this website, and may hold a pre-hearing conference with all interested parties. The Commission staff can request any additional information it needs on the rate request, and the utility provides it.
During a rate case, the Commission's Public Interest Advocacy Staff (PIA), considered separate from the Commissioners, essentially prosecutes the case, usually opposing the utility's rate request. The PIA staff's attorney cross-examines utility witnesses. At the same time, a separate PSC Advisory Staff provides support to the Commissioners and answers their questions.
Interested Parties Intervene
For 30 days following the first published notice of the proceedings, requests to intervene are considered by the Commission. The Commission grants the requests either at the pre-hearing conference or on the first day of the hearing. The intervenors can request information from the utility, which the utility must provide. The Commission Public Interest Advisory Staff and other intervenors begin their investigations. PIA staff activities may include hiring consultants, taking depositions from witnesses, limited auditing of selected utility records and gathering other data.
Formal Rate Hearings Conducted
The utility presents its case at a public hearing conducted by the Commissioners within 90 to 120 days after the initial filing. These hearings generally last from three to five days. All witnesses are subject to cross-examination by the Commission's PIA staff and other intervenors.
Public witnesses can present any comment on the rate case during the first hour of each hearing day, or via emailed submission.
The PIA staff completes its review and develops the Commission position on various elements in the case. Both the PIA staff and intervenors pre-file testimony and exhibits.
The PIA staff does not take an official position until it is ready to pre-file its own testimony. The PIA staff makes an independent recommendation on rates 10 days before the hearing date.
A second set of public hearings, 120 to 165 days after the initial filing, is held for the staff and other Intervenors to present their case and to be cross-examined by the utility.
The utility files rebuttal testimony 10 days before a third set of public hearings. At those hearings, the utility presents its rebuttal to the staff's and other intervenors' findings.
This set of public hearings is held 160 to 165 days after the initial filing. During this set of hearings, the Commission PIA Staff and other intervenors cross-examine the utility.
Commission Issues Rate Order
The Commissioners take the case under advisement following the third set of public hearings. All parties involved -- the utility, Commissioners, Commission Staff, and intervenors -- review the transcript and records of the hearings and file recommendations, a proposed order, briefs, etc.
At a subsequent administrative session, held the first and third Tuesday of each month, or at a special called meeting, the commissioners decide what, if any, rate increases to grant and when the utility can put the new rates into effect. The Commissioners must make this decision within six months of the original filing date or the utility is legally entitled to 100 percent of its request, under bond and subject to refund.
After a decision on the rate case, the five elected Commissioners hold a public vote and issue a final order. The new rates go into effect 165 to 180 days after the initial filing of the rate change request. The utility may ask the Commission to reconsider its decision within 10 days after the order and may appeal the Commission's decision to the Fulton County Superior Court within 30 days after the final order. Also, the intervenors may request a rehearing and/or appeal the Commission's decision to the courts.
Commission Responsibility
In making its decisions, the Georgia Public Service Commission has a duty to balance the service needs of Georgia's residents with the financial needs of the utility. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that rates must permit the utility to earn a return comparable to that of enterprises involving similar risk, to preserve the financial integrity of the company and to allow the company to attract investors.
The Georgia Public Service Commission requires regulated utilities to provide adequate service at fair and reasonable rates and to treat all customers equitably.
Here is a glossary of terms, phrases and acronyms used by the Georgia Public Service Commission.
Access Fees -
Access Fees are levied by a local telephone company for the availability and use of its local exchange facilities for original and temporary use of its interexchange calls.
An Automatic Dialing and Announcement Device is used primarily by business to place computer-generated calls and prerecorded messages for the purpose of advertising goods, services or property that is for lease or sale. Any person or organization who wishes to use ADAD equipment in the state of Georgia must obtain a permit form the PSC and pay a fee of $100.
An Alternative Local Exchange Carrier is a local telephone company.
Alternative Operator Services have their own telephone operators and resell telecommunications services.
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity -
A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity is a document issued by the Commission which designates the authority the bearer has been issued by the PSC to provide certain utility or transportation services in Georgia (i.e. the construction, acquisition and/or operation of a telephone line, plant or system).
Customer Owned Coin-Operated Telephone (pay phone)
Commission -
Georgia Public Service Commission
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier is a competing local telephone company.
Distance Learning and Telemedicine is a long-distance medical and education program linking rural Georgia with specialists in urban areas.
Docket -
In the Utilities Division, each new case which is filed requesting a change by a utility is assigned a number and then becomes a docket.
Department of Transportation
Extended Area Service is an arrangement that allows telephone customers to call either nearby or multiple exchanges without paying long-distance charges.
EMCs -
Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) are corporations composed of state electric cooperatives and are governed by a board of directors. The board is usually made up of one representative and one alternate from each member cooperative.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Highway Administration
FY -
Fiscal Year
An Independent Local Exchange Carrier is a local telephone company
IntraLATA -
Local access and transport areas (LATAs) refer to in-state geographical areas in which Southern Bell can provide long distance telephone services.
Interstate -
Between states
Intrastate -
Within the state
An Independent Power Producer supplies retail customers with electricity from plants not directly owned and operated by a utility. IPPs include non-utility generators and exempt wholesale generators.
Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) is a long-range, 20-year plan of how best to meet future power needs and encourage energy conservation.
Institutional Telecommunications Services are private telecommunication companies that provide pay phones to institutions.
Interexchange carriers are providers which carry long distance telephone traffic, for example AT&T, MCI and Sprint.
Local Access and Transport Area refers to the service area of the local telephone company. Calls placed to a point outside of this area are handled by an interexchange carrier.
LD Carrier -
Long Distance Carrier
Local exchange company for telephone service
Lifeline -
The Lifeline Assistance Program provides subsidized assistance to qualifying residential subscribers by providing monthly credits to residential local service.
Link-Up Georgia -
A program to provide subsidized assistance for residential telephone service to qualifying Georgians
Liquefied Natural Gas
Mobile Agency Services -
Examples of "mobile agency services" include ordering railroad cars for shippers and handling cargo damage complaints. These services are performed by railroad personnel referred to as "mobile agents."
N11 -
The generic term for a three-digit telephone number assigned for special services
An Other Local Exchange Carrier is a local telephone company
Public Interest Advocacy Staff, considered separate from the Commissioners, these PSC staffers essentially prosecute rate cases, usually opposing a utility's rate request. The PIA staff's attorney cross-examines utility witnesses. At the same time, another set of staffers, the PSC Advisory Staff, provide support to the Commissioners and answers their questions.
Georgia Public Service Commission
Resellers -
Carriers which resell long distance telecommunication services
Rule NISI Order -
Under a Rule NISI order, a company must "show cause" as to why it should not be fined or have its certificate revoked when charged with violating a Commission rule or regulation.
A nationwide automated information management system for monitoring the safety performance of inter- and intra-state commercial motor carriers.
Savannah Electric & Power Company
Tariff -
A list of fees, rates, services and company rules and regulations
Telecommunication Relay Service through which communication personnel assist speech and hearing-impaired individuals with placing calls via a "Text Telephone" (TT).
Telephone Service Observing Equipment is a device attached to a telephone that allows calls to be monitored. TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority, [a provider of electricity in northwest Georgia
Universal Access Fund is a fund established by O.C.G.A. 46-5-167 and administered by the Commission designed to offset reductions in access fees charged by Local Exchange Companies reducing the need for them to increase local telephone rates.
Universal Service Fund is a fund established by a regulatory body for the purpose of collecting and disbursing funds for the continued preservation of a utility service while maximizing penetration of that service.
Name | Number | Website |
AGL Gas Leaks | 770.907.4231; Customer Service 877.427.4321 |
http://www.atlantagaslight.com |
AT&T Customer Service | 800.222.0300 | http://www.att.com |
Liberty Utilities Customer Service | 855.216.6305 | http://www.libertyutilities.com |
BellSouth Telecommunications Customer Service | 888.757.6500 | http://www.bellsouth.com |
Better Business Bureau (Atlanta) | 404.688.4910 | http://www.bbb.org |
Cable TV Association | 404.252.4371 | http://www.gacable.com |
Clark Howard Radio Show | 404.872.0750 | http://www.clarkhoward.com |
Energy Assistance Program | 404.657.9358 | http://www.dhr.georgia.gov |
Federal Communications Commission | 888.225.5322 | http://www.fcc.gov |
Federal Trade Commission | 877.382.4357 | http://www.ftc.gov |
Federal Do Not call Registry | 888.382.1222 | http://www.donotcall.gov |
Georgia Electric Membership Corp. | 888.896.5997 | http://www.opc.com |
Georgia Power Company Customer Service | 888.660.5890 | http://www.georgiapower.com |
Georgia Power's Energy Hotline | 888.891.0938 | http://www.georgiapower.com |
Georgia Propane Gas Association | 404.645.8677 | www.georgiapropane.org |
Georgia Telephone Association | 404.321.5368 | http://www.gta.org |
Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs (complaints) | 800.869.1123 or 404.651.8600 |
http://www.consumer.ga.gov |
MCI Customer Service | 800.444.3333 | http://www.mci.com |
Metro Fair Housing | 404.765.3940 Fax: 404.765.3986 |
No Website |
Senior Employment Program | 404.762.9500 | Email: ncbaga@earthlink.net |
State of Georgia Information (Governmental Agencies) | 404.656.2000 | http://www.georgia.gov |
U.S. Sprint Customer Service | 800.877.4646 | http://www.sprint.com |
United Way | 404.614.1027 or 770.614.1000 |
http://www.unitedwayatlanta.org |
Georgia 811 | , 800.282.7411 or 770.623.4332 |
http://www.georgia811.com |
Yellow Pages | 770.491.1750 | http://www.realyellowpages.com |
The PSC does not regulate butane or propane gas service. Contact the company from which you buy your gas. Your electricity may be provided by your city or an electric membership corporation (EMC). Contact your city or local EMC for help.
Your gas service may be provided by your city. Contact your city for assistance.
The PSC does not regulate any water or sewer services. Contact your local city or county government for help with water and sewer problems. If your community has a separate authority for these services, contact that authority.