Georgia Power Bill Calculator

The utility bill calculator is a resource that the Commission is making available that allows a consumer to check the accuracy of his/her monthly electric bill. A bill calculator has been prepared for customers of the Georgia Power Company.

This bill calculator applies only to residential customers who are receiving service under the standard Residential Tariff (R-30). For more details regarding Georgia Power's residential tariff offerings, please visit Georgia Power Pricing & Rates.

Effective January 2025

For prior billing usage, please visit (archived calculator).

Enter your Monthly Usage in kilowatt hours (kWh):
Enter the number of days for your current billing period:
Do you receive a Senior Citizens Discount? 1
Is your residence INSIDE the city limits of your city? 2
Are you being assessed the Smart Meter Opt-Out fee? 3
Enter Sales Tax:  %
Summer Rate (June - September)
Base Charge: $ 0.00
Smart Meter Opt-Out fee (if applicable): $ 0.00
Tier 1 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Tier 2 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Tier 3 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Base Bill Subtotal: $ 0.00
Fuel Cost Rider: $ 0.00
Demand Side Management Residential Rider: $ 0.00
Current Service Subtotal: $ 0.00
Environmental Compliance Cost Recovery Rider: 0.00
Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery Rider: $ 0.00
Senior Citizen Discount: $ 0.00
Senior Citizen Fuel Cost Recovery Credit: $ 0.00
Franchise Fee: $ 0.00
Total (excluding tax): $ 0.00
TOTAL (w/ tax) : 0.00
Winter Rate (October - May)
Base Charge: $ 0.00
Smart Meter Opt-Out fee (if applicable): $ 0.00
Tier 1 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Tier 2 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Tier 3 Component (kWh): 0 0.00
Base Bill Subtotal: $ 0.00
Fuel Cost Rider: $ 0.00
Demand Side Management Residential Rider: $ 0.00
Current Service Subtotal: $ 0.00
Environmental Compliance Cost Recovery Rider: $ 0.00
Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery Rider: $ 0.00
Senior Citizen Discount: $ 0.00
Senior Citizen Fuel Cost Recovery Credit: $ 0.00
Franchise Fee: $ 0.00
Total (excluding tax): $ 0.00
TOTAL (w/ tax) : 0.00

* Please note that the Summer Rate Schedule reflects tiered rates that increase as your kWh usage increases. The Winter Rate Schedule reflects tiered rates that remain constant as your kWh usage increases.

Summer Rate Schedule
Tier Usage Cost per kWh
1st tier up to 650kWh
2nd tier next 350kWh
3rd tier over 1000kWh
Winter Rate Schedule
Tier Usage Cost per kWh
1st tier up to 650kWh
2nd tier next 350kWh
3rd tier over 1000kWh
Environmental Compliance Cost Recovery Schedule 4
All kWh
% of Base Revenue
Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery Schedule 5
All kWh
% of Base Revenue
Fuel Cost Recovery Rider
June - Sept. Oct. - May
Cost Per kWh
Franchise Fee Schedule
City Limits
City Limits
% of Total Revenue
Demand Side Management Residential Rider 6
All kWh
% of Base Revenue
  1. You are eligible for the Senior Citizens Discount if you are at least 65 years old and your total household income is not more than twice the Federal Poverty Level for an individual ( To apply for the Senior Citizen Discount, contact Georgia Power at 1.888.660.5890 or visit (
  2. Franchise Fees are collected based on electric service inside or outside of city limits. If you live within the city limits of a city with which Georgia Power does NOT have a franchise agreement, you will pay as outside the city limits. If you are not sure, contact GPC at 1.888.660.5890.
  3. The Smart Meter Opt-Out fee is a monthly surcharge approved by the Commission designed to allow the Georgia Power Company to recover costs associated with manual meter reading. The monthly fee is an increase to the Customer's base bill to which other taxes and surcharges will apply.
  4. The Environmental Compliance Cost Recovery Rider was established to recover capital costs and operating and maintenance costs associated with government mandated environmental costs.
  5. The Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery Rider is a surcharge created by state legislative mandate, SB 31, passed in the 2010 General Assembly that became effective January 1, 2011, to recover financing costs associated with the construction of two new nuclear units at Plant Vogtle.
  6. The Residential Demand Side Management Residential Rider is a surcharge established by the Commission to support Georgia Power Company in its energy conservation initiatives.
DISCLAIMER: The Georgia Public Service Commission ("Commission") makes this bill calculator available so that residential consumers can check the accuracy of electric bills that they receive from Georgia Power Company ("Georgia Power"). While the Commission believes that the results generated by this bill calculator are correct, the Commission cannot and does not guarantee this to be the case due to factors beyond its control that include, but are not limited to, the rounding of numbers by Georgia Power, application of state and local taxes, etc. If, after calculating your bill with this calculator, the results you obtain differ from the charges assessed by Georgia Power, please contact Georgia Power at 1.888.660.5890 to inquire about any discrepancies that may result.