Media Advisories

A Shout Out from the Public Service Commission to Natural Gas Utilities Workers

March 18, 2021 – ATLANTA – Natural gas is affordable, easy to use, much cleaner than coal, and abundant. From cooking supper on your gas stove to running a power plant that can generate enough electricity to light up a city, natural gas helps keep America running.

Today, March 18, is Natural Gas Utility Workers Day. The members of the Georgia Public Service Commission would like to salute all the gas utility workers who ensure natural gas is safely and efficiently transported to plants, homes and businesses across Georgia.


PSC Approves $1 Pole Attachment Fees to Spur Broadband in Unserved Areas

December 15, 2020 (ATLANTA) – The Georgia Public Service Commission approved a policy for broadband expansion pursuant to House Bill 244 today that requires Electric Membership Cooperatives to charge a simple $1-per-year fee for entities to attach utility service to poles in areas "unserved" by broadband. The $1 per year fee would be set for six years.

Commissioner Tricia Pridemore added a successful motion to set pole rates in areas currently served by broadband to $27.71 per pole per year. This represents an “at cost” fee to cover service and upkeep of the poles.

“Served” and “unserved” areas are determined by the Georgia Broadband Initiative map published by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.



October 28, 2020 (ATLANTA) – With continued growth in Metro Atlanta, the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) notified the Georgia Public Service Commission that the 404, 770, 678, and 470 area codes will exhaust by the second quarter of 2023.

In its October 6, 2020 Administrative Session, the Georgia Public Service Commission approved an “overlay area code” for the Metro Atlanta area. The overlay maintains the existing 404, 770, 678, and 470 area codes and simply adds another area code.


PSC Adopts Procedural and Scheduling Order to Set Pole Attachment Fees Per House Bill 244

September 8, 2020 – (ATLANTA) – Under Georgia House Bill 244, the Georgia Public Service Commission will determine the rates, fees, terms, conditions and specifications in any pole attachment agreement entered into by a communications service provider and an electric membership corporation on and after July 1, 2021.

The Commission has now adopted rules prescribing the process for making this determination. The following link directs to the Procedural and Scheduling Order:


PSC Works with Georgia Power/Gas Marketers to Provide Payment Plans for Late Utility Bills

In its continuing mission to ensure Georgians receive access to low-priced and uninterrupted utility service, the Georgia Public Service Commission has been working with Georgia Power and natural gas companies to create the easiest methods possible to start repaying utility bills that fell behind during the Governor’s stay-in-place order caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Any customer in arrears is urged to call their power company or gas marketer immediately to enroll in a repayment plan.

Georgia Power is offering a special payment plan for past-due balances where customers who enroll will be able to repay over a six-month period between October 2020 and March 2021. No late fees will be assessed, as long as customers keep current with their payment plans. To sign up for the repayment plan, call Georgia Power at 888-660-5890 or logon to


Archive: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
News Releases were merged with Media Advisories. See the News Release Archive: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998